Family Art Project Roundup

Piet Mondrian painting neoplasticism Primary Colors

I live in an artistic household. Wifey can draw anything her mind dreams of, and if she has clay, you can bet her finely-manicured fingers will mold it into a cool sculpture. My son takes after her. Individual projects, or collaborations hang in our makeshift gallery (hallway), which displays our creations alongside prints we purchased from Etsy, and personal artworks by KATSU and Lee Quinones. In the past few weeks, we created three projects: an installation inspired by Piet Mondrian’s neoplasticism, photos of water absorbing Tiger Eye Beads, and a Hershey’s Chocolate “ginger bread” house with accompanying Christmas clay sculptures.

Piet Mondrian De Stijl neoplasticism art painting

Homemade Piet Mondrian by Richard “Treats” Dryden and Cassius Dryden.

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